Holiday Gifts For The Men That You Experience

Holiday Gifts For The Men That You Experience

Blog Article

Want to know a great way to add a little spice to the cocktail hour? Well it is quite simple make it fun hand out keepsakes as gifts, have drawings for gifts and just relax and enjoy the evening. Below I have listed some popular personalized gifts that you can have at your cocktail hour.

James - I had to train a client around this time so I didn't have access to the blender I would normally use. Instead I put the dry ingredients into a zip cocktail lock bag and the other ingredients into the shaker and a plastic container. Because I didn't have the blender I actually ate most of this 'shake' and drank the rest of it. Energy levels are just like normal, it's just the abundance of time that seems to be an issue!

Bar 3d motion multi directional knife. Bar knives don't necessarily have to be the same quality as restaurant knives, but should successfully cut through the thick rinds of fruits and be fairly small and light. Many will have a serrated edge. Most bars will pre-cut garnishes before the happy-hour rush, but bartenders should be familiar with wielding a bar knife and how to appropriately cut fruits and veggies that go along with drink orders.

Chew sugar-free gum or suck on sugar-free candy to help keep your mouth moist. It's an easy solution. Always have a bottle of water with you. If you work in a job when you're on the phone all day long, a bottle of water is a necessity because your mouth can literally dry up so much you can't speak.

With regards to muddling, not all ingredients are the same. It's best to muddle harder ingredients like citrus a bit more vigorously than delicate ingredients such drinks rotational as fresh herbs.

Consider any common interests and plan an activity that you would both enjoy. You can start by reading over the arts/culture section of your local news sites or local papers for fun date ideas. Remember that if a location or activity is boring, the burden falls on you to entertain her and keep the conversation going. If neither of you are into art, chances are that ceramic exhibit at the gallery downtown will have you both bored to tears.

So many items on this site will add flare and make the job easier for any bartender. From the wine keys to the bottle openers, you are sure to find the tools that you need to spice up your game in the bar. Enjoy your job as much as the people in the club. You can do it up right and come up with a much higher pay off at the end of the night. Check it out and see what there is to offer you.

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